Packing a Lunch

Packing Nutritious School Lunches

Does your child bring a packed lunch to school? Unfortunately many school systems do not have healthy options for our children and packing their lunch is the only way we can be sure they are receiving the nutrients they need.

From fresh produce to lean protein, you want to pack a lunch for your kiddo that will provide fuel and energy throughout the day.

What are the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for school lunches?

Recommended dietary allowance stands for the average daily intake level of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals that meet the nutrient requirements of 97-98% of all healthy people. In general, the minimum that majority of people need to maintain good health. Currently, federal regulations only require schools to serve lunches that account for one-third of the age-appropriate RDAs (4). However, with a-la-carte style lunches, many students are not even getting this.

What does this mean for packed school lunches?

In addition to focusing on RDAs, aim to limit the amount of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar you include in your child’s packed lunch. Good protein and lower sugar have been shown in studies to increase focus and performance in school.

A main protein source is key with vegetables and fruit.

What are some healthy packed lunch options?

When packing a school lunch, focus on whole foods whenever possible. Keep in mind that fruits and vegetables should be varied and colorful and represent at least half of the meal.

Here are some easy, healthy lunch ideas!

a. Salad skewers with cheese

b. Hummus, whoa-wheat pitta and veggie snacks

c. peanut butter and bananas wrapped around whole wheat tortillas

d. turkey rolls with berries and veggies on the side

e. almond butter and jelly, string cheese, mixed berries

For more information on healthy eating, visit the USDA’s 3. Sleep during school4. Magnesium -the Supplement of the Month!

5 .How to get your kid to eat vegetables

a. Keep Trying! If they don’t like it once does not mean they won’t in the future

b. Get kids involved! In the older children, having them help with cooking is a great way for them to get more excited about the food.

c. Be Sneaky! Add to smoothies and baked dishes.

d. Combine with flavors they love such as dressings or hummus.

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