How to Teach Your Children New Year Resolution

This is the time of year everyone is creating new goals, new resolutions with the hope they will stick to it! While the idea of New Year Resolution may be a bit much for some children, depending on their age, the concept of bettering oneself and making positive goals to strive for is an important lesson we can pass on to our children.

How to create a resolution:

Sit down with your family and all discuss the small, attainable goals you are creating for the New Year. This is something you can do even with your youngest preschooler. First ask what they want to accomplish this year? How do they want to help others this year? Maybe trying a new food, learning a new skill, helping with new chores. The most important part about a resolution is teaching how it can be something truly attainable and helping your child meet that goal.

We recommend putting all resolutions in a SMART context.

       1. “S” Be Specific! If it is a new chore -I will learn to place the toys on my floor in my toy bin before getting ready for bed.

       2. “M” Make it something you can Measure as a family. I will pick up the toys every school night for the next four weeks.

       3. “A” The goal should be Achievable. Something your child can eventually learn and do on their own. They may require your help and guidance initially.

       4. “R” Make it Relevant. Does the details of the goal align to something your child expressed they want to do or learn. This way they have the motivation to continue.

       5. “T” Track it! Create a visual calendar, sticker chart, something that your child can visually see their accomplishments.

Don’t forget to celebrate everyone accomplishing their resolutions and sticking to their goals! As a tip, don’t focus on negatives for a resolution. If your child says things such as I won’t be such a picky eater or I won’t bug my brother. Turn those into a positive and detailed goal. Such as I will try 3 new foods or I will help my brother get ready in the morning.

These lessons will instill positive, goal oriented thinking habits that will hopefully last well beyond the New Year Resolution. Happy 2023!

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